Become a friend of the red squirrel

Our membership scheme is absolutely crucial… providing long term funding support that helps us to keep helping reds. We have four full-time rangers and two support staff over two counties. Please consider joining to support us… and tell your friends too!

You will receive a new membership pack and gift, including lovely red squirrel cards, an origami squirrel instruction pack and a FORS cloth bag.* Members will also receive project newsletters by email. 

The suggested minimum donations are as follows: Although if you can manage it, please pay more! It all goes towards helping reds.

↳ Individual            £24 per year or £2 per month ↳ Joint                      £36 per year or £3 per month ↳ Group                   £36 per year or £3 per month ↳ Family                   £42 per year or £3.50 per month ↳ Child                      £18 per year or £1.50 per month 

Please consider paying via monthly Direct Debit as this is our preferred method of payment.

* Please note that due to postage costs we can only send physical membership packs to UK members. However, we are delighted to be able to offer a membership for an international addresses where we will send all correspondence by e-mail. This will include welcome letter, certificate of membership, red squirrel information leaflet and Friends of Red Squirrel newsletter. If this is a gift membership to an international address, please remember to include an e-mail address for the recipient – if you do not have this then all information will be e-mailed to the buyer.

If you have any questions please contact:  or call on  0191 284 6884

Thank you for your support!

Click here for the origami squirrel youtube tutorial or for the PDF Download

See here for Red Squirrel Clothing Range and Fiona Lunn’s book