Support available

RSNE can provide: 

↳ Lantra accredited grey squirrel management training (from around the end of 2021)

↳ Conservation data recording and analysis solutions using desk-based forms or field recording apps and online maps

↳ Advice of where to purchase low-cost traps for grey squirrel trapping in red squirrel areas.

↳ Advice on red squirrel conservation measures. 

↳ Slow down red squirrel signs 

  • ↳ Assistance in the design of applications to the Countryside Stewardship scheme operated by Forestry Commission and Natural England. Land managers in the red squirrel range may be able to secure funding for a range of conservation objectives including red squirrel conservation. If woodland management is of interest, the grant scheme pays £100/ha/year for 5 years for woodland/environmental improvements, including grey management and red squirrel conservation – we can advise further if this is of interest/relevance.